This family bird is

Connecting family and friends by bringing daily doings, and news on the wing across the miles!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Boss is an Ass!!!!!!

OMG (typing that makes me feel a little stupider)!!! I think I might strangle the man!!! Sorry it has taken me so long to put up a new post but every time I have tried recently my boss has had a hissy fit because the internet was moving slowly so he unplugs the internet so no one can use it (then lies to your face about not knowing why it wasn't working)!! If you can't tell I'm a little annoyed today it is 7:52pm and I got home from work at 7:15pm after starting work at 6:20am. Anyway I will cut this rant very short by just saying he is a condescending, pompous ass and I can't wait to not work for him and live with him!!! And that's that.

It's been rainy and overcast here since wed. and it looks like it's going to be another cold cloudy day tomorrow. I love the cold it's the wet that's killing me. Friday about two minutes into my hike I was so wet and muddy that it looked like I had been swimming in a nasty mud whole. Sadly I learned that when your clothing is saturated the water will carry the poison ivy(PI) oils through your clothing and I know have 3 giant patches of PI on the backs of my legs. Though Friday I did get to spend about 50mins fallowing around the cutest little female Golden-cheek I loved watching her behavior and she stayed really low in the trees so I had a great view. I had know idea that they are also territorial but I watched her attack an invading male by her self then with her mate it was really interesting.

I also ran into my first copper head of the season Friday I saw the first one curled up on the edge of a cave the second one I only smelled and let me tell you smelling a copper head is a freaky thing because you don't know where it is. All you do is look around hopping it's not over your head or under the leaves you are about to step on.

Anyway I am off before I get yelled at for slowing down the net.
Love you all
Oh and Jack and Hannah Welcome Mom and I are not just talking to our selves!!!!