Sorry this has taken so long and it's going to be very quick! We are watching the US Algeria world cup game!!!!
It's beautiful out here a lot of hard work and deep sand hiking!!!! We netted a Cuckoo on the 19th they are really hard to get but we managed on out first attempt!!!!! It was really cool I think I will get a lot of good experience out of this job. My boss is really nice a bit scattered and a real chatter (at 3:30a not always a great trait), My partner Even is really nice he is heading to Miami after this to start his PhD I think he will be a good source of information for finding other jobs particularly over sea jobs that's what he's been doing for the last 4 years.
It is really hot here but my tolerance is increasing!!!! I am still so tired at the end of the day in the field that I don't really want to do anything for the rest of the day! Well I am off for now getting ready to run up to Flagstaff!
But here are some pictures

These are my first ever Big Horn sheep. A lamb and ewe were just standing on the edge of the cliff watching a large group of us walking down the road during our Yellow-billed Cuckoo Surveying workshop. It was so amazing looking up and see them. I took this picture through my binoculars.

My boss and one of her dogs Tui playing in the quickly drying side channel of the Bill Williams after a day of trail breaking

This picture and the one below are one of our "trails" I use this term loosely this is the "crawl space" You spend about 15m army crawling. The understory of this area looks alot like the fire swamp from the princes bride its crazy. And these trails are just wiggle room for us because the understory is so dense it's really hard to get through but you don't want to make the trails to large because that opens the area up to predators that would other wise had to work very hard to get into these areas.

One of the many cottonwood trees. They are so beautiful and grow so fast it's amazing to see all the little babies popping up from this winters flood and then to look at the 5 year old's that are already 30ft tall.

From the tree cover looking up at one of the rocks showing the mesa's start line

I have many, many more pictures to share and will get back on soon to post them up!!!!