I forget what kind of bat this is but he's really cool

Little Juvi Pip is it not the cutest thing you have ever seen!!!!!!

This last 2 pictures are of a banded female California Leaf Nose Bat she is an adult who was one of the 300+ bats in her wintering cave to be banded. Such a cool bat!!!!

Hey all
It's been a crazy few months, My first day off this month thank God!!!!!! Last night I went out and helped to mist net some bats. It was fantastic!!!!! One of the most fun things I have done in a While and recommend going out and helping at a MAP's Bat or Bird station if you ever get a chance you might even see what it is that I find so fun. I have attached a few pictures and will put up more as I get them. My Camera died last month so I am having to rely on others for pictures. I will also be putting up some pics from Mexico hopefully as soon as we get back.
Love you all