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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Snow"--fwd from Aunt Gail in Spencer, Oklahoma (I borrowed an image to illustrate)

Dear Ones,  Yes, we got a lot of it (snow) this time.  And lots of
 wind, too.  So much they are now calling it a ground blizzard (snow
 has stopped falling, now just flying around due to the winds).  And
 it is below bitter cold.  Just downright dangerous.  Has been -16
 degrees all day and will be worse tonight.
 And, yes, once again, we are blessed.  We are warm, dry and have
 the ability to make hot food.  Our biggest problem is that the dog
 barely stays outside long enough to tend to necessities!  She loved
 the snow last year.  Today she wouldn't even leave the path I made
 for her in order to chase the birds perching on low bushes.
 Actually, the whole state has pretty well been blessed.  Not so
 many serious car crashes, 'cause most everyone has heeded the
 warnings to stay home, but not had many, if any power outages,
 downed electric lines, etc.
 Tomorrow, I hope to get out for long enough to shovel the driveway
 and have it stay shoveled.  We are expecting delivery of a new wood
 lathe as soon as this stuff clears out and it seems they won't even
 bring it up the driveway.  They will forklift it off the truck and
 maybe sit it on the curb!  So, our entertainment as we wait this
 storm out is figuring how to get this monster up the driveway and
 positioned in the garage.  We are at this point thinking hiring
 some day laborers to help and carrying it like we do trees at a
 sundance! Please make a prayer that the wind stops so there is not
 such a horrible wind chill factor and there is no ice under the
 snow, cause this thing is probably going to get dropped off on
 Thursday!  Lots of love to all, Gail

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