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Monday, May 3, 2010

Update on the "Tunnel of Habitiation" aka hallway to bedrooms, bath...

Maybe not this clean... but it is opened up a great deal! I  removed the  pod-people (formed of winter garments hung  5-deep) from hall coat-rack...


1 comment:

  1. You would go crazy"er" in that house because it is cold and empty and you are anything but cold and empty!!! The artist has to find that fine line between reality and insanity and walk it closely that's all and life has been so crazy recently that the line has gotten covered up with a lot of crap and once things calm down you will get a chance to dig through the crap but trust me your not a crazy at least not in that way. Your a nut the way I am, off the main stream and liking it that way!!!!
