I started my pictures as I was leaving town. We start with the LEon River crossing it on an old bridge. The first time I drove a 3/4 ton pickup over this bridge scared the crap out of me it doesn't look like it would support a heavy truck but it does.

If I ever have a gate I think I will paint it red! I love riding by the ranch with the red gate in the picture the tree is hiding most of it. I wish I could see in better they cover the fences I think they are an exotic animal ranch we have a number of them around.

I love riding by all the ranches and seeing the horses, goats, and cattle also seeing the names one of my favorite is the Broken Dollar Ranch such a perfect name for anything to do with farming now days.

That's mee at about mile 7 after going up a hill with a strong head wind. I love the wind but I really don't like it when its pushing me back wards on a hill that is already kicking my butt!

One of the four, 1 lane bridges on my route.

I found this fence lizard today he was so cool just chillen on the road he blends in perfectly I ended up chasing him off the road so the truck that was coming didn't hit him! He looked like he might have already had a slight injury to his mouth I hope he is fine!

some of the many hills that my route goes over

The different greens are only here for a short time but I love them they are so amazing and beautiful. This "bridge" is freaky when its high. Two weeks ago you couldn't even cross it the water was covering it by about 2 feet. But now when you drive over it you can very easily put a tire in the water it is exactly level on one side and needless to say scary as hell to drive over!

There is this yard that I pass that has all this cool old farming equipment all over it like statues.

One of the last legs of my ride takes me by the Gatesville Golf course and the house with all the topiaries they have some very cool ones, I love the elephant!

Below is a quick shot down our street and a couple of pics of our house and the 8 cars/trucks parked around it!

Hi Aliza! Thanks for sharing your bike ride with us. It was lovely, and I didn't even break a sweat. ; ) No, really, I wish I could ride it with you. It looks like a fun way to get a really good workout.