This family bird is

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Wow Aliza- Texas is beautiful!

Magdalen Reading: note-- she likes her Starbucks!
Your bird pictures are good! And on your bike you look hot and kind of grubby... from the look of lowering clouds in the background a storm is kicking up-- I'll bet the spring winds are refreshing compared to Tallahassee, town-of-no-wind! Do you guys ever think of kite flying? I'll bet you could really get 'em up high with all that open land to lift from.

I am writing a paper about Medieval reading practices... here's an example-- looks like Borders to me! You go old religious's probably a REAL bodice ripper, unfortunately.

                     Ouch! Really? Poor St. Agatha.


  1. OMG, that looks painful! Who would even think of such a thing? Sick.

  2. that looks rather unpleasant!!!
