They had Penguins on exhibit so freaking cute! I can’t wait to get a chance to go to Philips Island and see some in the wild. I watched a presentation that they do on sharks. It ended up being more of an explanation on why you don’t really need to fear most sharks. And how they have more to fear from us than we do from them. Did you know you are more likely to die from a Coconut falling on your head than a shark attack! On average average about 10 people die from sharks a year while some 100 to 150 million are killed by people every year. I have seen those figures in a number of different papers and it is looking like its closer to the 150million side of the range.
Over all it was a really nice aquarium though I learned my lesson about not stopping to check the day of the week before going. I totally forgot it was Saturday (Big mistake) screaming children everywhere! I’m not sure if the kids where more irritating than their parents. The parents would position themselves in such a way that you couldn’t get by without being really rude and proceeded to stand there and do nothing and once they did start moving it was at a pace that might have given a snail a run for its money, while still managing to take up a ridiculous about of space. It was really quite impressive thinking about it now but yesterday it was just very annoying.

So I am trying to get back into the habit of running regularly. So last night I went for my first run since getting here. I am very aware that I am starting back from square one and that it will take me a while to build back up to being able to cover long distances so I decided to wait till evening to go run. Because one its cooler and two I am really self conches and wanted fewer people around. Any who my run turned into a bit of a comedic disaster! It started sprinkling almost straight away which was fine but then it turned into a hard continuous sprinkle and I was soon totally wet. I decided to try and take a short cut from the harbor back to the house. Trying being the correct term here! Anyway 30mins later in the dark, wet, and cold I found two ladies waiting on a tram and asked them directions to Auckland St. Apparently somewhere in the residential maze I was running through I hung a right where I should have taken a left and went in the total opposite direction than I meant to go in. so my quick little jog turned into an hour and 20min ordeal and at the end of it I was frozen and soaked through, needless to say I was very very happy when I could hear the loud roar of half drunken voices coming from the court yard of my hostel!
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